Our Story
We are Bestie!!
We established our company in April 2020, with a theme of “Adventure with your dogs”.
Our company was named after our bestie and your bestie, because our goal is to support you to have a great time with your bestie (your best friends, family, dogs, cats or anything and anyone special to you) in your life.
My Story
私達は、「愛犬と共に冒険を!」をテーマに、あなたにとって最も大切なBestie=ベストフレンド (家族やその一員でもある愛犬と友人達)と共に愛犬と一緒にいる時間を、もっともっと楽しくしたいという思いから2020年4月に設立した会社です。
現在私達はその第1歩として、オリジナル商品と賛同頂いたLitto Howlerと共に活動を開始しました。弊社取扱い、「幻の奥多摩やまめ」を使用したペットの無添加おやつ(東京都の特産品である奥多摩やまめ、渓流魚を使用したものは日本のペット業界初)及び、アメリカロサンゼルス発のブランド「Litto Howler」は、ペット用品店ではなく、ペットと一緒に楽しみたい、ペットを人生のパートナーとして考えるお客様を中心に、日本のオフィシャルディーラーとして展開しています。
時には優雅に過ごせる施設様、アウトドア アクティビティーを楽しめる観光地施設様、お客様とペットと同様にスタッフを大切に考える現場ファーストの施設様にご賛同頂きたいです。そして何よりお互いのブランドイメージを大切にし、私達と共に育んで頂けたら幸いです。
We would like to share fun activities and ideas with you.It all comes from unique and rich nature of here in Japan, diversity in Tokyo combined with unknown nature in the metropolis, besides our love for dogs as our forever partners since ancient times.
We, you and dogs are together anywhere, anytime.
However, Japan is still one of underdeveloped countries for pet-friendly activities or services.
We have many pet-free facilities and services in Japan including something should be perfect to enjoy with pets (e.g. camping fields, outdoor activities). Even in the disaster area, they do not have enough pet shelters and support.
On the other hand, pet-friendly overseas, we can go anywhere with our partners by trains, in hotels, at restaurants without hesitation. That is the reason why we decided to take a step to change the stigma of dogs/pets. To make our dream comes true, we need to change profit-minded business style in the pet industry. Pets are not tools. In Japan, there are a lot of trader selling animals and pet products only for profit or as a fashion. This is a sad fact.
Now we are taking actions and expand it with our original Okutama Yamame pet snacks and partnership with Litto Howler.
Based on our goal, we would like to offer these products to only customers, companies and facilities agree with our theme. You must have your goal or theme as well. Have an irreplaceable moment with your pets, value the employees as an company, pet-friendly outdoor activities, sightseeing with pets and so on. We hope the products are going to be a help for your achievements and develop both of your and our theme together.
Let us be a part of the love for your besties!
Bestie llc
CEO Hideaki Tanaka
COO Hiroko Tanaka